Oak - construction's Allen Key

Not only is oak one of the most beautiful wood examples, but it is also highly resilient, making it perfect for modern construction. You may be surprised to learn that as oak ages it actually becomes even stronger. It also is less dangerous in fire (steel buckles, where oak will not) and doesn’t ruin when in contact with water.

So, is it any wonder that oak is so popular in modern construction?

With a renewed focus on the natural world (and our role within it), a number of our clients want their properties to fit with the landscape rather than stand out as a modern eyesore. Constructing with oak allows us to give a nod to the uplifting power of nature, whilst giving the perfect canvas for adding other textures and finishes such as stone paving, tiles or carpet. All fixtures and fittings blend well with oak, making it a perfect material for renovation projects. If the renovation project is large enough to need an oak frame, it will provide a focal point whilst blending into any style of existing architecture.

There is a significant sustainability benefit in using oak as well. Investing in quality means that less of it is needed to create the desired effect. There is minimum waste, and it won’t need constant repair work. There is very minimal maintenance needed so the need for care products is almost non-existent. Timber in general is also one of the most environmentally friendly materials on the market (as long as it is sourced from a sustainable forest). On top of this, oak doesn’t go out of fashion so there is no need to replace it as trends change. Quality is always in fashion.

We’ve covered design, sustainability and strength, but the last piece of the (oak) puzzle is speed. Once budget has been approved, the next question we always get is “how long is it going to take?”. Oak is quick and easy to work with, meaning that we can put your structure together with minimal fuss. It can be used for trusses, beams and pillars (in particular, we love restoring old barns with it – read about one of our favourites here).

Oak allows us to use our artisan knowledge (we are Sussex Heritage award winners) to create bespoke projects that will last for generations to come, creating a high-end and adaptable space for you and your loved ones to enjoy.

If you have a renovation project and aren’t sure if oak is for you, get in touch with us on 01444 848278 or info@cdmssussex.co.uk.