The history of architecture

Architecture has shaped the way we live today. From the buildings we work in, to the places we go for fun, and most importantly the houses we call home. A well-designed building offers comfort and excitement and with the right touches can be a great form of self-expression.

With Georgian, Tudor and Victorian styles leading the way in popular UK architecture, there are also a number of architectural features that make the typical British house a homely one.

Features that resemble British architecture include:

  • Oak beams
  • Redbrick
  • Original skirt fittings and features
  • Bay windows
  • Large doors and entryways
  • Fireplaces and wood burners
  • Flintwork
  • Hardwood flooring

At CDMS we strongly believe that maintaining the integrity of properties by converting and renovating them where possible is a fantastic way to ensure that we keep the diversity of historic architecture alive, while accommodating to the growing needs of the population.

Many of the services we offer are designed to restore and highlight original features, including extensive restorations to listed buildings, period properties, historic houses and even converting barns and outhouses for best use.

Historic architecture still has a huge influence on the architectural styles we use today, including Art and Craft houses and Expressionism.

  • Neo-Expressionism
  • Constructivism
  • Functionalism
  • Minimalism

In addition to historical influences, we have a great relationship with extremely talented, experienced and professional architects that work with us, alongside our customers to produce accurate 3D drawings, blueprints and even CGI or 3D printed models. All of these methods support project plans and demonstrate the viability of the customers’ vision in line with building regulations.


What can CDMS help you with?

Decorative mouldings

Decorative mouldings


Flooring and paving

Barn conversion with paved flooring



Extended traditional English stone cottage windows and roof with sky



Wooden doors and awning



roofing example


Oak Frames

Oak frames


Barn conversions

Barn conversion with pots on patio


Looking to restore some classic architectural features in your property? Click here to contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss how we can help.